Why Are Ministers NOT Teaching What Matters?

Are preachers worried about offending the congregations? It’s hard to know what I am “supposed” to believe anymore. When I get “doctrine” established in my mind, there is always a preacher willing to tell me how insignificant or unimportant my belief is. For example, what happened to the TEN Commandments. You know, don’t lie, don’t steal, don’t commit adultery, don’t murder?

The “bearing false witness seems to be ignored so we can SELL our religious structure. We “fudge a bit” about being the church of the Bible, that our traditions are “straight from the Bible” and that we treat “everyone” equally. We don’t hear much about greed and coveting. Petty theft is just something that happens. Maybe ministers don’t want to “preach the law”. Yeah, right! Are we unsure what to teach or do we fear offending the well off.

We hear plenty about abortion and homosexuality but not much about church members and their families who cohabitate, be they young adults or the senior citizens. Few publicly announce their abortions. Some admit alternative lifestyles. Most are not even embarrassed about living together.

What about cheating on taxes? Loop holes and investment opportunities. Do you know what your mutual funds are invested into, involved with? Oil? Porn? Despotic governments? Better to not check?

What about sermons about feeding the hungry, raising your own children well, unemployment and poor diets? What about gluttony, sloth, malice?

What about “the Gospel”? That Jesus lived a perfect life, was tortured and killed on a cross, buried and resurrected? For your sins! So you are saved? So you can CHANGE?

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